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Peter Corbett

Peter Corbett

Associate Director - Specialist Lending

Graduating in the middle of the credit crunch in 2009 with a degree in languages was tough, and I applied to roles in many industries. I saw an advert for a role at Alexander Hall and was fortunate to be given the opportunity to pursue a career in mortgages. My lack of financial background and qualifications was no barrier – instead Alexander Hall were more interested in my drive, enthusiasm and willingness to learn.

Having achieved my CeMAP qualifications, I moved into the mortgage adviser role in 2011, and since then I have taken on many roles – I became an Associate Director in 2013, and in 2014 was promoted to team leader of the Marylebone office. I have also run teams in the West End office and the Canary Wharf office.

In 2018 I joined the specialist lending department. We focus on commercial mortgage, bridging and development finance, and portfolio lending, as well as offering various types of SME funding. One of the main things I love about working at Alexander Hall is how willing management are to promote people based on ability and suitability to a role rather than length of service. You are offered the opportunity to grow and develop, and are given all the training and support you need. What this has created is a unique culture whereby everyone has worked their way to their positions, and is willing and able to help newer members of staff develop.

My focus for the next few years is to further grow the specialist arm of the business, and who knows what the next opportunity might be!

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Careers at Alexander Hall: Peter Corbett - Working as a Associate Director - Specialist Lending

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