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Privacy policy

As a customer of Alexander Hall Associates, we take your right to privacy very seriously. We will not disclose information about you or your accounts to anyone, other than where we have your consent, or where we are compelled or allowed by law to do so.

Most of the information we hold is stored electronically on computer systems. However, some data, for example the details you handwrite on an application form are also held as manual or paper copies. We are confident that our systems are secure, and appropriate controls are in place to prevent unlawful access to your information.

As your mortgage broker, we will discuss your personal circumstances with lender in order to determine the most appropriate product for your needs. We or the lender may undertake a credit check upon receipt of your mortgage application, or in some cases before an application is submitted, to enable the preparation of an ''Agreement in Principle''. We will seek your consent before any personal information is provided to lenders and before a credit check is undertaken. This check may be registered as part of your credit record. The lender may also supply information to a Credit Reference Agency regarding the way your account is managed.

Alexander Hall Associates does not sell or donate the personal information we hold. Information may, in the ordinary course of business, move between Alexander Hall Associates, associated companies (e.g. lenders and insurers), and to our contractors, which may involve the transfer of data outside the European Economic Area, and involve keeping the estate agent(s) and solicitors you are using updated on the general progress of your application(s). We are also obliged to make our records available to our regulator upon request.

Please refer to our Privacy Policy for full details. Click here to download our latest version.

Alexander Hall Important Legal Information: Privacy policy

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